
Two youths meets a tragic end in a swimming pool at Deralakatte

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Mangalore, May 2: Two youths drowned in a swimming pool at Kanachur Public School, Deralakatte on May 1, Thursday.

The deceased have been identified as Neeraj (15), son of Jayaram, residing at Kulshekar, working as a driver in School Book Company and Suraj (23) son of Bhaskar, serving as a police constable in the Mangalore city Intelligence wing.


It is learnt that, School Book Company driver Jayaram had been to the institute two days ago to deliver the books. He along with nine other people including Neeraj and Suraj on Thursday too went to Kanachur Public School arrange the books, order and prepare school kits for the coming academic year and worked for a day.

After it started drizzling, the two youths went off to the swimming pool without anyone’s notice, but after sometime when the team members went in search of the duo, they found their footwear near the pool.


The boys were drowned at the bottom in the 18 ft deep pool. Although a person from Thokkottu tried to rescue them, he couldn’t move further since chemical was added to the water and the floor was also slippery.

The locals who recovered the bodies later, was taken to a hospital in Deralakatte.


It is said that Suraj used to work at School Book Company during the summer vacations from SSLC and completed his degree course from St Aloysius College and started working in the company for full time. He is survived by his parents and a brother.

Whereas Neeraj was 9th standard student studying in school at Vamanjoor and was helping his father in his work.

Ullal police reached the spot immediately and registered a case in Ullal police station.

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