
Changes in the Attitude of Men will Reduce brutality on Women: Kalpana Sharma

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Mangalore,sep.12 : St Ann’s College of Education (Autonomous) and Department of  women and Child Development Government of Karnataka, jointly organized UGC sponsored National Conference on “Education and Women Empowerment”, at the college auditorium, here on September 12.

The conference was inaugurated by Kalpana Sharma, the Independent Journalist and Writer from Mumbai,. In her inaugural speech, Kalpana said, “When we think about women issues we feel that we have lost the meaning of women empowerment. Last year there was a brutal gang rape in Delhi and recently in Mumbai, a photo journalist was gang raped. To reduce such violence we need to bring changes in the attitude of men, because  women are still considered as commodities.

She further said that yet, the literacy level is high but still there is domestic violence.  Until and unless we are not changing the mindset of the men there will be domestic violence, rape and abuse, she opined.

Independent Journalist and Writer from Bangalore, Ammu Joseph said in her keynote address that around 40 percent of women have experienced some form or other of violence within their homes. Globally the risk of spousal violence against women is known to be higher among those who are younger, less educated.


She further said that the prevailing impression about women’s presence and position in the Indian media is based on the high visibility and audibility of a number of evidently successful women journalists, some regarded as icons and some of the best-known names in Indian journalism today belong to women in both print and electronic media.

While concluding she said, “Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate the integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom.

Associate Professor of St Ann’s Padmavathi welcomed the gathering.  Principal St Ann’s College of Education Sr Clair AC delivered the presidential address.  Sr Supritha delivered the vote of thanks.  Superior St Ann’s Convent Dr Sr Shalini AC and  Deputy Director women and Child Welfare Gertrude Veigas were present.


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