‘It’s a right of every mother to being delivered in the government hospitals and its responsibility of hospital to give the safety during the Delivery’ – UT.Khader
Mangalore, July 27: We need to make Lady Goshen and Wenlock hospitals as model health centre, said Health and Family welfare minister U T Khader.
After investigational meeting to Lady Goshen hospital, he said that to empower the government hospital, only government cooperation is not enough, along with that there is necessity of ‘D’ group workers who should work on humanitarian basis . There are 260 beds in the hospital, that will increase to 500 and new building construction is under progress, that will complete soon, he said.
‘It’s a right of every mother to being delivered in the government hospitals and its responsibility of hospital to give the safety during the Delivery’ Hence, ‘Nagu-Magu project shall be implemented in right earnestness so that APL and BPL card holders shall gain its benefit’, he said. The workers scarcity will be refilled soon, he added.
By: Raj kulal