
‘Ghost’ of deceased father added to touching family portrait

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A picture of a mother and her infant son photshopped with the image of the deceased father has gone viral. The father died in a tragic accident just months before their son was born. The young mother was finally able to see her dream of having a family photo come trye thanks to some clever Photoshop work.

When Sierra Sharry and Lane Smith, from Oklahoma, USA, found out they were expecting their first child, they were over the moon. Writing on Facebook, Sierra explained: ‘I think the thought of having a kid made Lane the happiest person in the world. We were scared as any new parents would be but ready for the adventure together.’ However in July 2014, just months before Sierra was due to give birth, tragedy struck, and Lane was killed in a freak accident at a boat race.

Sierra booked a photoshoot for herself and 6-month-old son and asked photographer Kayli Rene’ if she’d be willing to ‘play around’ with editing her husband into the image. The result is a striking image with a ghostly Lane looking over his wife and son, which has now gone viral, with people from all over the world sending Sierra their love and support.

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