
Online child trafficking: Newborn sold for Rs 8 lakh on Facebook

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FB_baby_295Ludhiana : A baby boy from Ludhiana was sold using social networking site Facebook; a businessman from Delhi offered to pay Rs. eight lakhs for him, according to the police. The child’s mother was told that her son was dead by her father, who then allegedly sold the baby to a woman help in the hospital for Rs. 45,000. She in turn sold the infant for three lakhs to Gurpreet Singh, a lab assistant in the same hospital, the police said.

Gurpreet then allegedly sent a message through Facebook to one of his friends in Delhi regarding the availability of the baby for sale. He offered to pay Rs. eight lakhs. The baby’s grandfather and others involved in the case have been arrested. The police are now on the lookout for the businessman in Delhi.(NDTV)

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