Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa’s heavily subsidised budget canteens have turned out to be a huge hit in Chennai.
In one stroke, Amma Eatery has delivered twin benefits.
The breakfast menu of idli sambar at Rs 1 per idli, and a lunch menu consisting of sambar rice (price Rs 5) and curd rice at Rs 3, has made the state’s staple meals affordable for all.
And at the same time, the scheme has also successfully delivered maximum on the burp factor, months ahead of the next General Elections.
And yet another pro-people welfare measure, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa launched another scheme to provide mineral water for Rs 10 a litre.
“Amma Drinking Water” plant at Gummidipoondy in nearby Tiruvallur district.
“Amma Drinking Water is sold in all long-distance government buses and bus stands in Chennai and other districts.