UAE Tulu Koota all set to present twin dramas – Tickets released

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UAE Tulukoota, Dubai in its 24th year of service to tulu language and culture in UAE is bringing yet another mega event of tulu drama slated to stage on 23rd May 2014 at Shaik Rashid Auditorium, Indian High School Dubai, called all media representatives for a ticket releasing function at Quick Bite Restaurant Diera.

Mr Daya Kirodian , Jayanth Shetty of UAE Tulu Koota Dubai along with Cha Parka Troupe Gulf Co-ordinator Mr Mohan Rai shared the dais.

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Mr Daya Kirodian welcomed the gathering & briefed UAE Tulu Koota contributions in promoting the tulu language in UAE. He requested all the Tuluvas & members present to support the event. Finally all Media representatives were thanked for their effective role in reaching out of the peope and spreading the awareness of such events.

Mr Mohan Rai heartly thanked UAE Tulu Koota for providng such a wonderfull platform, and said that this is the 6th time Cha Parka troupe is touring UAE & no any other dram troupe has reached this milestone and all the credit was given to Tulu koota Dubai. He also mentioned that after a gap of 6 years Kapikad & Padil both are performing once again in the same stage and assured the tuluvas that they will perform their best in the drama. He requested all drama lovers not to miss this golden opportunity special the trimurthi combination kapikad, Padil & Vamanjoor.

Mr Vasu Shetty , Abdul Razak & Ganesh Rai released the tickets.

Mr Jayanth Shetty concluded the programme with vote of thanks.

Daijiworld, Gulf Kannadiga & Namma TV are the media partners for the event.

UAE Exchange, Shetty Lunch Home, Acme Building Materials & Fortune Group of Hotels ( Praveen Shetty Enterprise) are the Main Sponsors for the event.

C R Shetty Conveynor of UAE Tulu Koota Dubai couldn’t attend the meeting due to prior commitments.

For more information please contact:

Mr. Mohan Rai Karnoor – 056-1313062
Mr. Daya Kirodian – 050- 7855649
Mr. K.R.Tantry – 050-6599375

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