Dubai clerk jailed for forcing women into kiss

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Dubai: A clerk has been jailed for a year for forcing a woman into his car at midnight and kissing her.

The 27-year-old Pakistani clerk, M.H., grabbed the Filipina cashier’s head between his arms and kissed her lips and forehead in July 2013.

The accused denied the charges in court, saying that the 26-year-old Filipina had got into his car willingly.

Presiding judge Maher Salama Al Mahdi at the Dubai Court of First Instance said the accused will be deported following the completion of his jail term.

“He drove his car behind me then pushed me in to the backseat and drove off. I was afraid and tried to run away from him. I shouted for help twice. He told me that he liked me and asked me to drink a cup of water, but I refused. I begged him to let me go but he kissed my head and I stayed with him nearly 40 minutes. He dropped me back home. Ten minutes later the police came,” said the woman.

An Indian woman testified that she saw the defendant driving behind the Filipina on Al Rolla Street.

“She seemed scared. The defendant got out of his vehicle then forced her inside and took off,” said the witness, who said she heard the Filipina cry for help.

A policeman said the defendant was detained near the building where the Filipina lived.

“The defendant claimed when I questioned him that the woman was his friend. When I asked him to call her, he claimed he had erased her number from his phone because they had fought that evening. The Filipina cried when I made M.H. confront her,” the policeman said.
Wednesday’s ruling remains subject to appeal within 15 days.

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