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With an iota of a thought, the star couple of Bunts Dubai team, Santhosh Shetty and Jayshree Shetty got into an idea of having an all team get together that turned to be a most famously successful gathering within the UAE throwball circles that was held on the 14th of September’ 2018, at the Holiday Inn, Dubai.

Less was it known then that it would turn out to such a grand success when they just initiated the thought of getting all teams under ONE ROOF to keep the slogan of “UNITY IN DIVERSITY” going its way, and a thought to improve the UNITY within all teams that passionately practices and plays around 5 to 6 throwball tournaments each year in the region.

The day started with a Welcome address by Santhosh Shetty, followed by a Welcome song by Sangeetha Shetty, Vaishnavi Shetty, Ashel D’Souza, Preema D’Souza and Vineetha D’Souza.

The responsibilities of proceedings for the day were then handed over by Santhosh Shetty to the joint comperes Sarvotham Shetty & Vivek Serrao.

Sarvotham Shetty once again stressed on the importance of this event and said even though it was his dream to organize such an event much much earlier to bring in the Unity that all teams demand to be, he is very much appreciative of the efforts that’s been now put in to finally making it a day come through, thus ruling out the famous saying… Better Late Than Never.


The day was fully packed with loads of dances / games / fun n frolic from various teams on their own and as a team together to bring in the truth in the saying of UNITY IN DIVERSITY, thereby showcasing multi-fold talents of all those who partook in the various entertainments. This in turn lead to have more harmony towards various members of different teams.

The DJ on the house, Vinay Vas with his music skills kept the entire crowd on their toes on the dancing floor throughout the day, while Pius Benson had aptly set the entire picturizations of various teams through LCD.

All teams gathered were wearing very colorful attire to suit for the event and the day, and the best dressed team Coastal Friends UAE got picked to be the winners.

As the event was supported by few sponsors For gifts that includes Sarvotam Shetty, Shiv Shetty Santosh Shetty and Saby Pious .Each winning team from various activities that they competed were given away with loads of prizes as well, and to name them.

Team Winners

1. Winning Team – TEAM RED

2. 1st Runner’s Up – TEAM PINK

3. 2nd Runner’s Up – CHAMPIONS (

Spot Winners

1. Prasad Shetty – Best Beard (Team Abu Dhabi Karnataka Sangha)

2. Seema Rodrigues – Cash Prize (Team Costal Friends UAE)

3. Nalini Deepak – Cash Prize (Team Mogaveer’s)

4. Santhosh Shetty – Cash Prize (Team Bunts Dubai)

5. Bhauvik Shetty – Cash Prize (Team Abu Dhabi Karnataka Sangha)

As a mark of unifying the code of conduct and bringing in more discipline into the tournaments, a referee’s pool that was created was introduced to all teams at this event that is ably lead by Melwyn D’ Souza who then introduced his team comprising of the following members to the gathering.

1. Vinay Vas

2. Deepti Salian

3. Deon Lobo

4. Daniel Pinto

5. Vivek Serrao

Melwyn then briefed to all teams with the rules and regulations that’s been set for the tournaments and also invited teams to send in any of their representatives to complete 10 numbers to have a strong referee’s pool that will officiate all throwball tournaments in the region from now on…

As the day turned to evening… one could certainly notice the glow on each one’s face who attended the gathering that beamed with radiance to show how one who attended thoroughly enjoyed the event.

The comperes then presented the Vote of Thanks to all those who supported this gathering in terms of their time / efforts / sponsorships and the heartfelt participation of each member who attended the event to make it a grand success.

Concluding the event in the evening, all participants did go home with a broad smile on their faces, a lot of joy, prizes, cheerful memories and of course underlining the slogan to remain… UNITY IN DIVERSITY.

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