Dubai: United Cup ’15

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Whether it’s your first time or your 24th time, you can’t help but to fall in love with Men’s Volley ball and Woman’s Throw ball games. 306 Events are hosting our 1st Annual UNITED CUP ’15. We hope that you can join us for a Cancer cause!

Our interest in fighting cancer is very personal, as one of our very own brother’s dad is a survivor, for which 306 Event caregivers have been through some tough situations. We have far too many friends that have been touched by cancer, as well. We are committed to taking a stand against cancer! We plan on doing this by hosting Men’s Volleyball Tournament & Woman’s Throw ball Tournament during the day followed by an evening of music, fun and PRIZES!!

The first annual tournament gets underway on 2nd of December, 2015.

The event welcomes players and fans of all ages, to cheer up their respective teams throughout the day to help them secure this very First edition of United Cup ’15.

Event: Men’s Volley Ball, Men’s Throw Ball, Woman’s Throw Ball & Mixed Throw Ball

1st/ 2nd place Winners:
Trophy plus Cash prize to be won

Date: 2nd Dec, 2015
Timing: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Venue: Wanderers Sports Club, Sharjah

Registration as per first come first basis, please contact below:
Vinod Shetty: +971 (0) 561138281
Jason D’Cunha: +971 (0) 557982591

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