‘Damile Watani Campaign’ For Blood Donation During Holy Month Of Ramadan

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Report: Shodhan Prasad

 “Donate Blood, Save Life & Live Healthy” thanks to all the donors and all the members of Community Associations of Karnataka in UAE who took part in the “SAVE LIFE CAMPAIGN”.

Few enthusiastic members of Tulunadu with the wise leadership of Balakrishna Salian, Vice President of Mogaveers UAE have taken live interest in the Blood donation campaign which is successfully running from many years now.  Their tireless support for this humanitarian cause is not only been applauded by various Community Associations of Karnataka but also by the Blood Donation Centre at Latifa Hospital and Al Ameen Dubai. Mogaveers UAE and Bala Salian would like to dedicate all the appreciation and success to the donors.

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Serving this cause is a service to humanity in the nation where we live in for our livelihood.
Due to the current shortage of blood during Ramadan, the Blood Donation Center, Dubai have humbly requested these volunteers to support them with more blood donations during the holy Ramadan month.  With this call the Team have successfully booked almost 4 to 6 Community organisations of Karnataka for the blood donation during holy Ramadan.

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The booked dates by the organisations, during Ramadan are:

11/7/2013 – Thiya Samaj UAE – 7:30 to 10 Pm

18/7/2013 – Konkan Bells UAE – 7:30 to 10 Pm

25/7/2013 – Vishwakarma Seva Samithi UAE – 7:30 to 10 Pm

More is needed and here comes request to all the Indian and Karnataka associations to come forward voluntarily for this great cause and donate blood during Ramadan.

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Currently available timings and dates:-

14th ,15th ,21st , 22nd, 23rd ,24th , 28th &  31st of July, 2013 &  4th & 5th of August 7:30pm to 10:00pm

We would like to thank each and every donor who made the campaign a great success and all the associations who took part in all the ongoing blood donation campaigns. A special thanks to all the media networks mainly to Shodhan Prasad of, Ganesh Rai & Ashok Belman of, Kiran of, Premjeeth of and Rafiq of who take every effort to be present during these blood donation campaigns giving moral & physical support every time clicking photographs and publishing in the web media with news of these blood donation camp.

 Mogaveers UAE, hereby request all the Indian and specially Karnataka  Associations and Community people to come forward for this noble humanitarian cause. There are 650 Children/adults who are suffering from rare disease (Thalassemia) and they need 75 units of Blood per day. Other than that there are accident cases, heavy bleeding on daily basis including requirement for cancer/leukaemia patients. They also need blood for other Emirates inlcuding Sharjah and Ajman. So there is a huge need for more Blood and it is our duty to save life by donating blood.  Donating blood would also decrease the possibility of having heart diseases and strokes. It also activates the bone marrow to produce new blood cells; hence please come forward and donate with love.

Those who are really interested in saving a life by donating blood may please contact Balakrishna M Salian, Vice President of Mogaveers UAE and Promoter of Blood Donation Drive on 050 2441376.

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