Nightclub reveller gets a bottle in his eye… from the manager

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Hit- BottleA South African never fathomed his leisure time at a nightclub in Madinat Jumeirah would prove fateful. The 25-year-old sales executive has suffered 20 per cent permanent disability in his eye, according to court records. He alleges that the manager of the club threw a bottle at him.

Meanwhile, the accused – a 36-year-old Briton – claimed the South African client abused him and that made him throw the bottle. However, the victim told the court that he heard some sound and turned to check what it was when he received the bottle in his eye.

Forensic report presented confirmed that the victim underwent an operation to have the glass piece removed from his eye. And also that he suffered a fractured bone in the face, leaving him with 20 per cent permanent disability.

A security officer at the club, testified in court, that he saw the accused throw the bottle at the client. “I saw the accused stepping back holding a bottle in his hand, taking aim to throw it at someone. He was quick and before I could react, he threw it  at the victim who was standing at a table with two men and a woman. He took the blow and fell unconscious,” said SG.

Another senior security officer at the club, who was informed of the incident, said that the CCTV footage showed the accused throwing the bottle at the victim.

The hearing is adjourned to June 24.(E247)

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