Trakhees has issued 1310 fines for overcrowding, fines have to be paid by landlord
Landlords in freehold communities of Palm Jumeirah, Discovery Gardens, International City and Jumeirah Lakes Towers take note.
Inspectors from Trakhees, the regulatory authority for the above freehold areas, are doing daily rounds to stop overcrowding in apartments with fines issued, which have to be paid by the landlord.
Nearly 1,310 penalties for overcrowding have been issued since 2010.
Although no break up was given on fines issued community wise, the spokesman said: “The fine for overcrowding is Dh108 per square metre. The fine is addressed to the landlord, but a hard copy is issued to the tenant as well. We have a team of inspectors to carry planned Inspections on a daily basis.”
The maximum allowable occupancy limit for apartments under Trakhees authority is one person per 200 square feet from the total property area. Violators can face a minimum fine of Dh1,000 or a maximum of Dh50,000.
Notices are being reissued, warning residents not to fix satellite dishes on the facades or balconies of their buildings; not to use balconies as places of storage for any purpose other than seasonal furniture pieces; not to hang clothes, curtains or rugs or mops or laundry on balconies or railings of homes and not to have barbecues in their balconies.
A new notice, put up in Discovery Gardens and International City, states: “All concerned residents must remove unauthorized satellite dishes and laundry lines. Trakheel EHS inspectors will conduct inspection in all Nakheel residential communities and impose appropriate financial penalties as per Trakhees EHS regulations, one month after the date this circular is issued.
Asked if any fines were issued after issuing of the new notice, the spokesperson said: “Our inspectors issues warning to tenants and landlords and if they fail to adhere to the community rules only then we do issue fines.”
On Monday, Wam reported that the Dubai Municipality was effectively executing the law of categorizing areas and lands in Dubai in order to move the bachelors from residential areas and prevent sharing family accommodations.
Yusuf Abdullah Al Marzouqi, Acting Director of Buildings Department, said the civic body has cracked down many places after field visits in several residential areas in Dubai as many bachelors found staying in residential areas designated for families.
The municipality has disconnected electricity and water of violating buildings after the deadline, he added.