The police said that the accused was having an affair with the victim’s mother, and killed the child to prevent him from letting their secret out to his father. The victim’s mother has been detained by the cops. Police said the accused Shyamsuddin Ansari (31) worked as a site supervisor at the same building where the deceased Shyamsundar Bind (7) resided along with his father Raj, a watchman at the site. The boy had caught his mother with the accused several times and had threatened Ansari that he would tell his father of their affair.
On Thursday, Shyamsundar apparently told Ansari that he would spill the beans about their affair to his father. Infuriated, Ansari hit him with a wooden plank. He then took the boy’s body to the second floor of the building, tied a rope around his neck and strangled him. Cops said he tried to make it look like a suicide.
Noticing that their son was missing, the parents lodged a police complaint. After a hunt, cops found the child’s body on the second floor of the building. They later sent it for post-mortem, which revealed that he had been hit on the head.
Incidentally, the accused had accompanied the child’s parents to the police station to lodge the complaint. A senior officer from Powai police station said, “The accused has been charged with murder and will be produced in court on Monday. The incident took place at an under-construction tower at Saki Vihar Road in Andheri (E).”