
Monster husband: Man forces wife to sleep with his friends

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Accused and his female business partner would get intimate in front of his wife; when she said she’d complain to cops, the two threatened to kill her; he then invited his friends over after which one of them raped her

The Vakola police have arrested a medical shop owner after his wife alleged that he sexually assaulted her after marriage, forced her to sleep with his friends and perform sexual acts in front of his lover.

The husband and his lover, who has also been arrested, are alleged to have heated a knife and slashed the survivor on her wrist when she threatened to approach the police.

The survivor shows the burn marks from the heated knife that the accused used on her arm
The accused, identified as Bablu alias Maqsood Shaikh, runs a medical shop in Vakola in partnership with his lover, Shabana.

She resides with them in a room situated above the shop. The 25-year-old survivor, in her police statement, said that three months ago, Bablu invited three of his friends to the house, after which one of them raped her while the other two men and her husband watched. The police have registered a case under several sections of the IPC and are trying to trace the suspected rapist.

According to the Vakola police, the survivor married Bablu in May 2011, and moved to his house. When she questioned why his business partner was residing with them, he told her that she should respect Shabana like a mother.

But two to three days later, the wife suspected her husband of having an affair with Shabana. Her worst fears came true when she caught both of them in bed some 8-10 days later.

“A few days after marriage, I found out my husband was having a physical relationship with Shabana. When I asked him to stop it, he abused and assaulted me. He even threatened to kill me,” said the wife, adding, “After sometime, they started getting intimate in front of me.”

The survivor told the cops that when she told her husband that she would report the matter to the police, a story was cooked up, accusing her of having extra-marital affair. “When my husband would come from work, Shabana would tell him that I was having affair with somebody from the neighbourhood. He started torturing me and would beat me up.”

“About three months ago, he invited three men to the house, of which one of them forcefully raped me. When I screamed for help my husband, who was in the other room, came and started assaulting me. He then sat there and saw his friend sexually abuse me. Bablu used to watch porn movies frequently and would ask me to imitate the acts.

He would then record it,” said the woman.
She told cops that Bablu would never let her step out of the house alone and whenever she threatened to approach the cops, he would lock her up in the room. At time he would also force him self upon her and sexually abuse her.

Years of pain
After two and a half years of trauma, on March 3, Bablu took her to a maulana in Bandra and divorced her. A few days later, he dropped her at her uncles’ house and left. She approached the Vakola police station on Wednesday and lodged a complaint.

“When I approached the cops the officer was not ready to file an FIR initially. He let me go after registering a non-cognisable complaint. But later in the night, an FIR was registered,” she said.

PSI Sunil Mane said, “There were several facts that needed to be verified. Hence it took us some time to file the FIR.” A case has been registered under IPC sections 376B (rape), 377 (unnatural offence), 34 (common intention) and others.

>> Couple got married two years ago and shared a room with the husband’s lover
>> The wife was told that the lover was a business partner and she should respect her like a mother
>> The wife later caught both of them in bed together but the duo tortured her when she objected.

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