
Robbers arrested for murdering woman at her Navi Mumbai residence

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The former chairperson of Maharashtra State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Meenakshi Jaiswal, was killed on Friday. The police has nabbed two of the three accused

The former chairperson of Maharashtra State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, 46-year-old Meenakshi Jaiswal, was found murdered at her Kharghar residence on Friday night. The police have revealed that the motive behind the murder was robbery and have nabbed two of the three accused.

The two accused have been identified as Manindar Singh and Vinayak Chavan and the duo was arrested on Saturday from their respective residences in Kharghar, while the third accomplice is on the run.

An officer from the Kharghar police station said, “The deceased is the wife of Malegaon session’s court judge Santosh Jaiswal. Their two children stay abroad. Chavan, who does odd jobs in the vicinity, was a regular visitor to their house.”

The police informed that it was Chavan who was the mastermind of the plan, which he executed along with his two accomplices. The officer further added, “Chavan stayed downstairs to keep an eye on the situation, while Singh and the third accused were sent up to execute the plan. They slit her throat and there are several injury marks on her body as well.” When Santosh couldn’t get through his wife at around 6 pm, he asked a family friend to check at their residence. The neighbour checked at around 10 pm, after which the cops were informed.

Speaking to sunday mid-day, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Sanjay Yenpure (Zone 2) said, “Valuables worth Rs 2 lakh have gone missing from their residence, which includes a gold ring, a gold chain and some cash. We have arrested two accused, and are hunting for the third one. Further investigations are going on.”

The unidentified accused has been booked under Section 302 (punishment for murder) and 397 (robbery, or dacoity, with attempt to cause death or grievous hurt) of the Indian Penal Code. Chavan and Singh will be produced in court today.

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