
Gandhians allege neglect

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Quit India MovementBANGALORE: Meetings were held across the city on Friday to observe the 71st anniversary of the Quit India Movement.

While some organisations threw light on the struggles of freedom fighters and debated about the relevance of Gandhian values, others decided to chalk out a plan to achieve what Mahatma Gandhi and other freedom fighters dreamt of.

Earlier in the day, Governor H.R. Bhardwaj, who participated in the Quit India anniversary celebrations at Gandhi Bhavan, said there was a need for citizens to dedicate themselves to Gandhian principles. Highlighting the sacrifices made by Gandhiji and other freedom fighters, he said: “Gandhiji has done his job. Now it’s time for us to take it forward.”

Reposing faith in the younger generation, he said although there was progress in various fields, there was a need for citizens to strive hard to achieve “the India that the freedom fighters dreamt of.”

At another event organised by the Civil Area Freedom Fighters’ Association, several freedom fighters gathered at Freedom Fighters Park (Coles Park). The association’s theme this year is Quit Corruption.

T.E. Govindaraj, president of the association, said: “The British have left our country. Now it’s time for us to get rid of corruption.”

Seventy-nine-year-old Govindaraj recollected how the mood was 71 years ago when the Quit India Movement was launched. “There were teargas shells everywhere, but we were fighting to get rid of the British. As an eight-year-old, I remember there were celebrations across cities. But today, these struggles are fading away.”

He said many freedom fighters were not getting benefits such as pension, which was making it difficult for them to make ends meet.

Meanwhile, members of the Bangalore city JD(S) observed Quit India anniversary by singing patriotic songs at their office. M.S. Narayana Rao, president of Bangalore city JD(S), garlanded the statue of Mahatma Gandhi.

The officials of Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike conducted an all-religion prayer meet at Gandhi statue.

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