
North Karnataka’s separate statehood demand still a far cry.

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KarnatakamapLBANGALORE: How about dividing north and south Karnataka and making Bangalore as its common capital? It may sound like a wishful thinking but some organizations in north Karnataka are mulling with such options after the UPA 2 approved the creation of a new Telangana state. Notwithstanding a case in the Karnataka high court slapped on him over his statement on dividing the state last year, former minister Umesh Katti said division of state is imminent it at all India wants to grow.

The ideal situation will be divide Karnataka into two and make Belgaum as north Karnataka’s capital but Bangalore should remain as the common capital until the backward north Karnataka gains a foothold to rule independently, he added. He said the division will help to have an inclusive growth besides it will facilitate better administration and development. But, now with the centre and state readying to accord a special status to the most backward Hyderbad-Karnataka region, the cry for separate state has not many takers.

Six backward districts Bidar, Gulbarga, Koppal, Yadgir, Raichur and Bellary where the Human Development Indices (HDI) are below the sub-Saharan levels will benefit by the special status. Karnataka had been lobbying with the Centre for special status to the Hyderabad-Karnataka region (northeast part of the state), the second largest arid region in the country, for more than four decades. Fulfilling the long demand of the people of the region, the Bill to amend the Constitution to provide a special status to the Hyderabad-Karnataka region, under a new Article 371(J), was introduced in the Parliament in 2012 and was also passed by both the Houses. Once notified by the Centre, the region will get more central funds for development and will be on par with the Telananga region of Andhra Pradesh. Besides, there will be reservation in jobs and education for the locals. Karnataka is the third state to have a special status in the country after Maharashtra (Marathwada and Vidarbha) and AP (Telangana). We are hoping the special status will ease our concerns and facilitate in the growth over the next five years or so. Otherwise we may be forced to re-launch our agitation for the separate statehood all over again,” said Hyderabad-Karnataka Horata Samiti Raghavendra Kushtagi

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