
Home minister visits bomb blast victim

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Bangalore: Home Minister K J George visited Leesha N S, a victim of the Malleswaram bomb blast, at the M S Ramaiah Hospital on Tuesday evening.

The minister was accompanied by City Police Commissioner B G Jyothiprakash Mirji and the entire top brass of the City police. The girl has been confined to bed for almost 35 days now.

He spoke to Leesha for a few minutes and inquired about her health. He later consulted the chief medical officer of the hospital and got an update of the girl’s health condition.

He later told reporters that the government would keep the promise that the previous government had made to provide compensation to the victims of the bomb blast and also that the government would bear all costs of Leesha’s treatment. He declined to comment on the progress of the investigation in the blast case.

Leesha’s father Doreraju told Deccan Herald that the doctors had said that the she could be discharged from the hospital in a fortnight or so after a session of physiotherapy.

“But, they have said that it will take at least an year for her to become normal again. We are poor and are entirely dependent on the government for help,” he said.

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