
Saujanya Murder Case: I will fight for the justice : Kemar Shri

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Belthangady, Oct. 14: Lot of people from various places came to gather to welcome the activist Mahesh Shetty Timarodi, Saujanya’s parents Chandappa Gowda and Kusuma and her uncle Vittal Gowda on Sunday, who returned from Bangalore after giving an interview to a news channel about the murder of Saujanya.

The rally was started from Gundya to Belthangady.

The residents of Beltangady staged a protest on Sunday, October 13, urging for the CBI probe into the murder case of Sowjanya.

Addressing the rally, Sri Esha Vittaldas Swamiji of Kemar Math said, I was insulted for visiting Sowjanya’s residence. Some people also made an issue out of it. However it is not going to affect me. The real culprits should be caught. I will fight till Sowjanya gets justice” he warned.

Mahesh Shetty Thimarodi said that this case should be handed over to CBI or else mass campaign will be launched,” he warned.

We had expected small group of people standing by us while we return, but this move of the people of gathering in thousands to welcome us has shown that the people are for justice,” he said.

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