
Udupi: As you look on Sri Vishwa Vallabhateertha Swamiji floats in the air

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Udupi: Oct 14:  Renowned magician Kudroli Ganesh using his levitation tricks made Udupi Mutt’s Sri Vishwa Vallabhateertha Swamiji to float in the air as people look on.

The magic show was held as part of Dasara celebration on Oct, 13, Sunday at Mutt’s auditorium.


After inviting Swamiji on the dais, he was given a magical bell, when the bell was rung above an empty vessel, garland and crystal appeared on it. Then the crystal stone was given to Swamiji’s hand and with his magical power Swamiji was slowly lifted off the ground level about ten feet above the ground and made to float in the air for quite some time.

The packed house at the hall sat enchanted at the performance and broke into loud applause.


Apart from levitation  tricks, the audience was treated to demon pole magic, the magical valley, Janapada magic etc.  The comedy, dangerous fire escape show, scenes and music were breathtaking and provided rare entertainment to the audience. Occultism-based techniques were also displayed at the programme.

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