
Dharmapala Devadiga is new president of Jayashreekrishna Parisara Premi Samiti

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Dharmapala Devadiga is new president of Jayashreekrishna Parisara Premi Samiti_Oct 4_2015-004

By Ishwar M. Ail
Pics. Dinesh Kulal

Mumbai : The 14th Annual General Meeting followed by open session of Jayashreekrishna Parisara Premi Samiti held under the presidentship of Harishkumar M. Shetty, president of the Samiti on 3rd October, 2015 at Nithyananda Sabhagrah, Sion, Mumbai. Wellkown social worker, Devadiga Samaja Ratna awardee Darmapal U Devadiga was unanimously elected as the new president of JSKPPS.

Dharmapala Devadiga is new president of Jayashreekrishna Parisara Premi Samiti_Oct 4_2015-001

Dharmapala Devadiga is new president of Jayashreekrishna Parisara Premi Samiti_Oct 4_2015-002

Dharmapala Devadiga is new president of Jayashreekrishna Parisara Premi Samiti_Oct 4_2015-003

Dharmapala Devadiga is new president of Jayashreekrishna Parisara Premi Samiti_Oct 4_2015-005

Dharmapala Devadiga is new president of Jayashreekrishna Parisara Premi Samiti_Oct 4_2015-006

Padmabhushana Dr. B. M. Hegde (Former Vice Chancellor- Mahe), president Harishkumar M. Shetty, founder of the Samiti Jayakrishna A. Shetty and other dignatories inaugurated the meeting after lighting the lamp in the presence of presidents and leaders of various community organizations in Mumbai.

Vice President Darmapal U Devadiga welcomed the members present in the meeting. Hon. Secretaty, G. T. Acharya presented the report of last AGM and Hon. Treasurer CA I.R. Shetty presented the accounts for the financial year and the same was approved by the members.

Outgoing president Harishkumar M. Shetty thanked to all those who supported and co.operated the Samiti during his tenure and also congratulated the new committee.

Addressing the members newly elected president of the Samiti Dharmapal U Devadiga recollected the achievements of the Samiti since last 14 years and assured to take this Samiti for further achievements.

Hon. President, of JSKPPS padmabhushana Dr. B M. Hegde, founder of the Samiti Jayakrishna A. Shetty, Vice president L.V. Amin, Nithyananda Kotiyan, Balakrishna P Bhandary, Jagannath Ganiga, Suresh Shetty Yeyyady and other office bearers of the Samiti were present on dais.

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