
HudHud over to ThudThud at Mangalore zone- A week end surprise was awaited yesterday night.

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Mangalore, October 19: No sooner the anxiety of HudHud is over, now coastal residents are furious over ThudThud. Mangalore area has seen violent wind and rain on Saturday, October 18th night. The roar of Thunder in addition shook the citizens at once. The roar of thunder and intense lightning were seen continuously for about half an hour. Over the past five years the citizens had ever had seen such a thunder and lightning. People were frightened to sneak out of their dwellings.

A sunny climate was seen during the day, by sunset the coastal city has seen a heavy downpour. The fury of rain, wind, thunder and lightning started by 7.25 pm, and reduced around 9.15 pm at night. The intensity of lightning observed this year was higher than ever before.

The rain water flowed in most of the concrete streets of the city. The pedestrians, two-wheeler riders suffered due to water flow without an appropriate system. Those who ventured out without umbrella, and raincoats were seen taking refuge in a group was a common scene here and there. In the wake of the rains, there were variations in power supply at various areas. The manholes were filled at various points and the sewage water was seen gushing out.

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