
RSS has no role in government formation: BJP

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The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Sunday said RSS has no role in government formation and sought to downplay the ongoing hectic parleys and thronging of its senior leaders to the Sangh headquarters in New Delhi, holding that its leadership is competent enough to take its decisions.

Former BJP president Venkaiah Naidu said, RSS is a social organisation which only talks on matters of national interest and the BJP leadership is competent enough to take decisions on government formation after consultations among themselves.

His reply came amid hectic political activity and BJP leaders making a beeline for “Keshav Kunj”, the RSS headquarters in the national capital.

Mr. Naidu also played down his and other leaders’ meetings with RSS leaders, terming them as “routine”.

“The question does not arise. The Sangh never interferes in such matters,” he said, when asked if RSS has a role in the government formation.

Mr. Naidu, who was coming out after meeting RSS general secretary and second in command in the Sangh, said he has been a former president of the party and he is saying so with his own experience that RSS never interferes in matters of Cabinet or government formation.

“We are swayamsevaks. We come here to Sangh headquarters to meet our seniors. That is part of our life. There is nothing big about it,” he said.

“This is a task of the BJP, and its leadership is competent enough to take its decisions after consultations among themselves,” the BJP leader said while refusing to entertain any further questions on Cabinet formation.

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