
Cong. works for poor: Rahul

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rahulBaran (Rajasthan), September 17; In an apparent attack on Narendra Modi, Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday said the opposition leaders only make tall claims and work for the rich while his party has stood by the poor and believes in helping them realise their dreams.

Addressing a rally in this town of poll-bound Rajasthan, Mr Gandhi listed the various initiatives of the UPA government including Food Security Bill, Land Acquisition Bill and MNREGA for empowerment of the economically weaker sections.

“People come and make tall claims,” he said in an apparent reference to BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Modi, who addressed a rally in the state on September 10.

“We do not believe in making tall claims. But we deliver.

We want your children should see big dreams. If we do not allow you to dream, then this nation cannot move forward,” he said.

He hit out at the opposition for resisting the passage of food security bill in Parliament and MNREGA on the plea that there would be constraint of funds and accused them of working only for the elite.

“When it comes to schemes for the poor, they ask where the money will come from. But, when mines are to be allotted and land is acquired then nobody raises questions. This is the difference between them and the Congress party,” he said.

“Our politics is the politics of your dreams,” he said claiming that the Congress party stood only for the poor and will continue to do so.

“They want only 500-odd people should dream, travel in airplanes, move in cars. This is their thought. This is not our politics.”

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