
Kejriwal undergoes naturopathy treatment, away from controversies

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aaaaNew Delhi/Bengaluru: Away from controversies and a raging infighting in the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal is in Bengaluru, undergoing naturopathy treatment.

What’s more, he appears to have said no to newspapers at a time they are flooded with reports of a sting audio tape that purportedly has Kejriwal telling a former MLA to poach six Congress legislators to form the government in the Capital last year.

“We have not seen him using landline, watching television or reading newspapers when he is in the room,” Jindal Naturecure Institute medical director Babaina Nandakumar said.

Nandakumar said the treatment regime was continuous, from morning to evening, with a 30-minute gap each for breakfast, lunch, afternoon rest and supper.

Kejriwal’s parents Gobind Ram and Gita Devi, who are staying with him, however, have mobile telephones. It is not known if he uses them to keep himself abreast of the developments in the AAP.

The 45-year-old leader is diabetic, and is being treated for chronic cough and high blood sugar.

The AAP has been embroiled in an internecine war in recent days, with the party sacking senior leaders Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav from its highest decision-making body.

The sting audio tape has added to the AAP’s woes.

Asked if Kejrwal gets calls from his party colleagues or ministers from Delhi, Nandakumar said no incoming calls were allowed during the day as he was busy with the treatment regime. He retires to bed by 9pm.

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