Saudi Arabia

‘Freedom Meet’ – A colorful get together event held by Indian Social Forum Karnataka, Jeddah

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NRI families from different parts of the Karnataka took part in the family get together event held by Indian Social Forum Karnataka. The event was held on 20th August 2015 at Istirah near Raheli Jeddah to convey the freedom struggle message to the ISF members and its well wishers.

The stage program was presided by Mr. Shareef Master, General Secretary Indian Social Forum central committee, Jeddah and key speech was delivered by Indian Social Forum Karnataka Chapter president Mr.Ismail kalladka pressing the need of responsible citizen’s active participation in India’s Politics in order to empower the most under privileged communities in the country. The event had begun with ‘Unity Song’, Indian Social Forum Mangalore General Secretary Mohammed Firoz welcomed the gathering and Arif Bajpe delivered the vote of Thanks. IFF Jeddah Karnataka chapter Gen Secretary Rafeeq Mata, ISF Karnataka Gen Secretary Hussain Jokatte, ISF Jeddah Central Committee member Abdul Azeez Mangalor, ISF Jeddah Central Committee Vice President E.Abdullah was present at the Dias.

A delicious dinner served immediately after the stage program and colorful entertaining indoor and outdoor games conducted for men, women and Kids. It was a wonderful experience for all the participants and they appreciated the fact that, the event was mix of India’s patriotism message from the speakers and mind blowing entertainment activities until dawn. Funny games and cultural events made the elders recall their childhood days and a stress buster evening for the busy days, meantime winners awarded with prize.

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