Saudi Arabia

World’s most luxurious train station planned by Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah

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Saudi Metro.2With gold-plated walls and marbled walkways, this isn’t your average train station. Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah is planning to build an extravagant new six-line train network, in a move that’s sure to make travellers around the world extremely envious.Its breathtaking, sweeping design was created by architect Zaha Hadid to mimic the country’s wind-blown sand dunes.

Saudi MetroIt’s also designed to let in light while keeping out the harsh desert sun, in one of the hottest places in the world.

The King has ordered the impressive station be built in the capital of Riyadh within just four years – the same time it took workers to renovate one station in New York.

It’s a far cry from the grimy, depressing underground networks of many other countries.

Saudi Metro.2Riyadh train station

It’s designed to let in light while keeping out the sun.

Saudi Metro.3

It will be built in less than four years.(GT)

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