
SP Dr S D Sharanappa advises banks to enhance the security system to avoid fraud.

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Mangaluru, August 20: Superintendent of Police Dr S D Sharanappa has given dead line as September 30th for all the Nationalized and private banks located in Dakshina Kannada district to focus on the comprehensive security of the branches and ATM’s to prevent fraudulent withdrawal of money from accounts.

Chairing a district­ level meeting on bank security on Wednesday, SP Dr. S D Sharanappa provided details regarding the security systems to be deployed by the banks and has given a dead line. In case if the banks fail to follow them, a report would be sent to the state level banking association, he said.

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 Dr Sharanappa directed the representatives from various banks that the complete information about the security systems deployed in the banks must be provided to the police department. In view of the increase in online frauds, the banks must give more importance to the cyber security. Data centre and server must be provided security, he suggested.

All the branches of the Banks must mandatorily install high quality CCTV cameras in the front, entrance and inside of the ATM’s. One time password (OTP) must be made compulsory for the customers while doing the online transactions. While appointing private security staff, his address and background must be cross checked with the local police stations. Awareness must be created among the customers on Cyber security, and online banking. Gun licences possessed by the security personnel’s must be verified, instructed SP Dr Sharanappa to the bank officials.

Suspicious persons who open accounts and terminate them in short span must be brought to the notice of the police. By doing this many frauds can be avoided. Those who often open accounts and close them will be black listed such that a watch can be kept on those accounts, said Dr Sharanappa.

In the recent days, cases are registered against the fraudsters who collect the bank details from the customers, withdraw money from their accounts and also done the online shopping as well. Before revealing the confidential details of the bank account, the public’s must confirm all the details of the caller or message sender, suggested SP Dr SD Sharanappa.

Dr Sharanappa also added that in the villages, people keep the money and jewellery at homes which has provoked to commit the thefts. The customers must be educated on the locker facility available at the Banks, said the SP.

Bantwal ASP Rahul Kumar, Sullia Inspector Satish, District Lead Bank Manager Prabhu Alaga, Assistant General Manager of Syndicate Bank P. Narayan Naidu and officials from vaious nationalised and private banks attended the meeting.

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